02月24日:He ruins his life.他葬送了他的大好人生。
:v. 毁坏,破坏,糟蹋
例如:Her nervousness threatens to ruin the whole idea.(她的惊慌失措可能会破坏整个计划。)
His pride and choleric temper were to ruin him.(他生性高傲自恃而又易于发怒,这会毁了他的。)
02月25日:Jacob looks at the pictures, reminiscing about the past.雅各布看着照片,回忆着过去。
sce:v. 追忆;叙旧
例如:But it was really fun to reminisce with everyone.(但和大家一起回忆往事确实很有趣。)
Grandfather likes to reminisce with other old people after supper.(爷爷喜欢饭后跟几位老人叙旧。)
02月26日:He rubbed his eyes because he was so tired.他太累了,以至于一直揉眼睛。
one's eyes:揉揉眼睛
例如:He rubbed his eyes to force the sleep out of them.( 他擦擦眼睛,想驱走睡意。)
He rubbed his eyes and got up.(他擦擦眼睛,跳起身来。)
02月27日:It appears to be raining, but I'm not sure.看起来好像要下雨了,但我不是很确定。
1.appear to be:好像是,仿佛
例如:They appear to be able to handle the problem.(他们似乎可以处理这个问题。)
They appear to be at home .(他们好像在家。)
02月28日:That old building is a real eyesore.那栋老公寓真难看。
e:n. 眼中钉,难看的东西
例如:That new shopping centre is a real eyesore.(那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。)
He's not an eyesore, more like eye candy!(他可不是个眼中钉,反而更像是眼中蜜啊!)
03月01日:The dust in the air made me blink a lot.空气中的灰尘让我眼睛眨个不停。
:v. 眨眼,闪亮
例如:Don't blink, please!(请不要眨眼。)
He shut his eyelids, trying desperately to blink back his tears.(他就赶紧合上了眼皮,眨呀眨的,拼命把眼泪给忍住了。)
03月02日:The criminal tries to whitewash his crime.那个罪犯试图掩盖他的罪行。
ash:v. 掩饰;把…刷白
例如:They tried hard to whitewash themselves.(他们力图粉饰自己。)
You should whitewash the door of your hall.(你应当粉刷你大厅的门。)