07月15日:All characters in the book are imaginary.书中所有的人物都是虚构的。
ary:adj. 想像中的,虚构的,幻想的
例如:There is too much imaginary history in it.(我认为其中有不少虚构的历史。)
I must beg permission to give one or two imaginary illustrations.(请允许我举出一两个假想的例子。)
07月16日:Please push the ladder against the wall.请把梯子靠在墙壁上。
例如:Don' t push against me!(别推我!)
It's so cold inside, push your hands against the windows and make them shut.(这里太冷了解,将窗户推紧。)
07月17日:He bothered me with a great many questions.他对我提了一大堆问题,真烦。
1.bother:v. 打扰,使不安,担心
例如:Do I bother you when we go on vacations?(我们出去度假时我给你添麻烦了吗?)
It' s not important; don' t bother your head about it.(这不重要,不要为此费心。)
07月18日:The sight of the dead body scared him stiff.看到尸体他都吓僵了。
例如:He tried hard to exercise his stiff leg.(他努力锻炼他那条僵直的腿。)
He was tall, strong, and somewhat stiff, he was also lean and brown.(他身材魁梧,强壮,稍微有些呆板,也比较瘦,皮肤黑黝黝的。)
07月19日:We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.想要赢得比赛,我们需要密切配合。
ate:v. 合作,协作,配合
例如:This fully demonstrates their willingness to cooperate.(这充分表明他们愿意合作。)
If you're a good fellow you cooperate.(要做个好伙伴,就要懂得合群。)
07月20日:They are arguing over who should pay the bill.他们为谁该付款而争论不休。
例如:Let us not argue over going out tonight.(咱们别为今晚出门的事争吵了。)
She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.(她总喜欢为极小的问题而争论。)
07月21日:I forgot to say goodbye. They'll think I have no manners at all.我忘了说再见,他们一定认为我很没礼貌。
例如:His behavior offends the canons of good manners.(他的行为冒犯了公认的礼貌规范。)
Good manners are everywhere admired.(有礼貌到处都会得到赞赏。)