沪江小D每日一句一周详解 11.07.18-11.07.24 |
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7月18日I would kill for a chance to work with him. 为了得到和他一起工作的机会,我什么都可以做。 1.Would kill for something:为了得到某物而愿意做任何事 (不惜付出任何代价) 例如:After hours of working in the hot sun, I could kill for a cold beer.(在炎热的太阳下工作数小时后, 真想喝上一杯冰镇啤酒。) 2.Kill:杀死;使停止 例如:My mother will kill me when she finds out what I've done.(要是母亲发现了我干的事,会宰了我的。)
To kill a rumour / story(阻止谣言散布/传闻) 3.Chance:(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性,机会,巧遇 例如:She has only a slim chance of passing the exam.(她通过考试的希望很渺茫。) |
7月19日I think she suffers from low self-esteem. 我认为她的自卑害惨了她。 1.Suffer:(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨 例如:We all have to suffer at some time.(我们一生都不免有受苦的时候。) 2.Suffer from:因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;受……之苦 例如:She often suffers from headaches.(她常常头痛。) 3.Self-esteem:自尊(心),自负,自大 例如:To help the child develop self-esteem and establish self-confidence.(帮助每个孩子发展自尊与自信。)
【词相关组】 Knock down sb's self-esteem 压压某人的傲气 |
7月20日She burst through the double doors, in all her glory. 她从两扇门间冲进来,无比光彩照人。 1.Burst:猛冲;突然出现;爆裂 例如:The door burst open and in rushed the crowd.(门突然一下被砸开,一群人蜂拥而入。)
Burst into tears 突然哭起来 2.Glory:荣誉;桂冠;赞颂;壮丽 例如:I do all the work and he gets all the glory.(活儿都是我干,荣誉都是他得。)
【相关词组】 Cover oneself with glory 满载荣誉,取得辉煌胜利= 3.In all one's glory:被荣耀所笼罩;处于全盛时期;得意之极 例如:The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory.(这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。) |
7月22日I had the chance of a lifetime, and I blew it. 曾有一个千载难逢的机会放在我面前,我却把它浪费掉了。 1.Lifetime:一生;终生 例如:A lifetime of experience(毕生的经验) 2.The chance of a lifetime:千载难逢的好机会 例如:You let the chance of a lifetime pass by!(你错过了一生难逢的机会!) 3.Blow:吹;充气;吹响 例如:She blew the dust off the book.(她吹掉了书上的灰尘。)
Blow one's mind 没有了一点理性 4.I blew it:我搞砸了 例如:Sometimes I think that was supposed to be my one chance and I blew it.(有时我觉得这是我的一次机会,可我却搞砸了。) |
7月23日If you mess this up, my head is on the chopping block. 如果你把这事儿搞砸了,我可就完蛋了。 1.Mess up:把……弄糟;弄乱;搞砸 例如:If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements.(如果你现在取消,就会破坏我所有的安排。)
1)Mess somebody up(使心情恶劣;使身体受伤)
2)Mess with somebody / something(卷入有害的事;与某人有牵连) 2.Chopping block:砧板;剁肉板;切菜板
3.On the chopping block的几种用法:
例1:This traffic law is on the chopping block.(这项交通法规要被废除掉。) |
7月24日Disgusted with his behaviour, I turned on my heels and strode out of the office. 厌恶了他的行径,我转身大步走出了办公室。 1.Disgust:使作呕;使厌恶;使反感 例如:I am disgusted with his way of speaking.(我讨厌他说话的方式。) 2.Behavior:行为;举止;态度 例如:Social behaviour(社会行为)
【相关词组】 Be on one's best behavior(尽量)谨言慎行;守规矩;尽量表现得体 3.Turn on one's heels:转身离去 例如:When little Tommy's brother showed up, the bully turned on his heel.(小汤米的大哥出现时,恶汉拔腿就溜。) 4.Stride:大步走;阔步行进 例如:She came striding along to meet me.(她大步走上前来迎接我。) |
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