Haste makes waste
“Haste makes waste”是英语中表达“欲速则不达”最常见的谚语之一。它的字面意思是匆忙会导致浪费,寓意着过于急躁会带来不必要的损失或失败。 -
More haste, less speed
另一种类似的表达方式是“More haste, less speed”,意为越是匆忙,进展越慢。这句话也在传达相同的思想,即急于求成往往会拖慢进展。 -
Slow and steady wins the race
“Slow and steady wins the race”这句谚语强调缓慢而稳定的行动能够取得成功,与“欲速则不达”的含义相符,提倡谨慎和持续的努力。
“欲速则不达”这一思想强调了急于求成可能带来的不良后果,包括质量下降、错误增加以及失败概率提高。应当警惕过于急躁的行为带来的负面影响。 -
通过这一谚语,我们明白了耐心和稳定性在事情进行中的重要性。只有细心、耐心地进行工作,才能获得更好的结果。 -
Suppose you are working on a project with tight deadlines, and you rush through the tasks without proper planning and organization. The end result may not meet the expectations due to errors and oversights caused by haste. This situation perfectly illustrates the principle of “haste makes waste”.
Another example could be seen in a student who crams for an exam the night before without proper studying and understanding of the material. The lack of thorough preparation and rushed approach may lead to a poor performance in the exam, demonstrating the concept of “more haste, less speed”.
Similarly, in a professional setting, a company that rushes to launch a new product without conducting market research and testing may face setbacks such as customer dissatisfaction and product recall. This showcases how “slow and steady wins the race” is a more effective approach in business ventures.