资料摘要: 迪斯尼的欢乐王国伴随着无数的大小朋友度过了温馨难忘的童年,迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了最受欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣。其标准清晰的英语发音,更是不可多得的英语启蒙教材。在快乐的音乐环境中,亲子之间互动学习



01.Oh Wher,Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

02.The Wheels On The Bus

03.Do your Ears Hang Low?

04.Dry Bones

05.The Wabash Cannonball

06.Brother,Come And Dance With Me

07.Froggie Wen A-Courtin'

08.Big Rock Candy Mountoin


10.You Are My Sunshine'


12.Old Dan Tucker

13.It's A Small Worldt


15.There's A Hole In My Bucket

16.Cockles And Mussels

17.I'm A Little Teapot

18.Comin'Through The Rye

19.Git Along,Little Dogies

20.Reuben And Rachel

21.He's Got The Whole World In His Hands

22.Nursery Rhyme Medley--

Hickory Dickory Dock

Jack And Jill

Jack Be Nimble

23.Dwn By The Station

24.Meet Me In St.Louis

25.The Marvelous Toy

26.Go In And Out The Window

27.Mickey Mouse March(Dodd)