Visual Studio 2010 JS 和 CSS 伸缩插件 - JSEnhancements

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    2011-03-19 11:44

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    实用资料 / 行业资料

资料摘要: VS 2010 非常不错的 JS 和 CSS 伸缩插件! This extension provides outlining and matching braces highlighting features for Visual Studio JavaScript and CSS editor. Works both in JS/CSS fil...

VS 2010 非常不错的 JS 和 CSS 伸缩插件!

This extension provides outlining and matching braces highlighting features for Visual Studio JavaScript and CSS editor.

Works both in JS/CSS files and HTML script/style blocks.

Outlining is like in C# editor. It outlines {}s, []s and #region tags.

There's also an options page in Tools -> Options menu where you can specify what will be collapsed by default when you open a file.