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    2011-01-18 16:05

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    实用资料 / 行业资料

资料摘要: 麦肯锡(Mckinsey)对于中国城市发展潜力的分析预测报告,发表于2009年3月。其中包含中远期人口发展预测,以及对中国几个重要城市及城市链的发展预测。

Preparing for China's Urban billion,麦肯锡(Mckinsey)对于中国城市发展潜力的分析预测报告,发表于2009年3月。其中包含中远期人口发展预测,以及对中国几个重要城市及城市链的发展预测。

The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) launched a major initiative two years ago to study the evolution of urbanization of China and to derive insights into how this process will develop. The views presented in this two-volume work are based on long-term macroeconomic trends in China. While the recent downturn in the global economy is bound to impact China in the short term, we believe the long-term fundamentals on which we have based our study are likely to hold out.