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    2010-10-19 17:17

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    实用资料 / 电子书

资料摘要: 雷泽A牧场的日子跟其它牧场一样平淡无奇,直到六月的某一天,命运之手在其脸上写下了一个又粗又黑的大字,带走了繁荣、满足、温馨的家庭关系等一切让生命有价值的东西……



B.M Bower写西部故事很有天赋,能把冒险、诡计、神秘、浪漫交织在一起,通常还捎带一个出人意料的结局。


* Chapter I. How Trouble Came to the Lazy A
* Chapter II. Concerning Lite and a Few Footprints
* Chapter III. What a Man's Good Name is Worth
* Chapter IV. Jean
* Chapter V. Jean Rides Into a Small Adventure
* Chapter VI. And the Villain Pursued Her
* Chapter VII. Robert Grant Burns Gets Help
* Chapter VIII. Jean Spoils Something
* Chapter IX. A Man-Sized Job for Jean
* Chapter X. Jean Learns What Fear is Like
* Chapter XI. Lite's Pupil Demonstrates
* Chapter XII. To "Double" for Muriel Gay
* Chapter XIII. Pictures and Plans and Mysterious Footsteps
* Chapter XIV. Punch Verses Prestige
* Chapter XV. A Leading Lady They Would Make of Jean
* Chapter XVI. For Once at Least Lite Had His Way
* Chapter XVII. "Why Don't You Give Them Something Real?"
* Chapter XVIII. A New Kind of Picture
* Chapter XIX. In Los Angeles
* Chapter XX. Chance Takes a Hand
* Chapter XXI. Jean Believes that She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands
* Chapter XXII. Jean Meets One Crisis and Confronts Another
* Chapter XXIII. A Little Enlightenment
* Chapter XXIV. The Letter in the Chaps
* Chapter XXV. Lite Comes Out of the Background
* Chapter XXVI. How Happiness Returned to the Lazy A