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    2010-08-28 00:40

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    实用资料 / 行业资料

资料摘要: 本资料精妙的阐述了医学专业英语的构成特点,并和专业知识,大量相关图片及练习紧密结合,查看起来丝毫不觉得枯燥。医学专业的同学们千万不要错过!


学习医用英语的经典电子书- Medical Terminology An Illustrated Guide


This easy-to-read, highly illustrated text serves as a comprehensive introduction to the field of medical terminology. It provides a detailed examination of normal structure and function, diseases, diagnosis and treatment. With four-color illustrations in every chapter, this informative text covers normal anatomy, physiology and clinical material. Flashcards, study exercises and case studies make this an ideal study tool. This second edition includes more key words for disorders, diagnosis and treatment, 50 additional illustrations of clinical concepts, more clinical case studies and expanded coverage of medications. Also included are crossword puzzles for review, learning objectives, chapter outlines and an index. A set of three supplementary review tapes is available to instructors, containing over three hours of study exercises.