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    2010-06-30 10:00

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    实用资料 / 电子书

资料摘要: 在英语考试时或在看英文书籍时,你是否为自己的阅读速度过慢而深感困扰?本书旨在帮助你加快阅读速度!它会告诉你阅读技巧,打破不良阅读习惯,提高注意力,扩大词汇量,并教你扩大视野范围以浏览更多的文字。


The fun and easy way to become a more efficient, effective reader!

Want to read faster — and recall more of what you read? This practical, hands-on guide gives you the techniques you need to increase your reading speed and retention, whether you're reading books, e-mails, magazines, or even technical journals! You'll find reading aids and plenty of exercises to help you read faster and better comprehend the text.

Yes, you can speed read — discover the skills you need to read quickly and effectively, break your bad reading habits, and take in more text at a glance

Focus on the fundamentals — widen your vision span and see how to increase your comprehension, retention, and recall

Advance your speed-reading skills — read blocks of text, heighten your concentration, and follow an author's thought patterns

Zero in on key points — skim, scan, and preread to quickly locate the information you want

Expand your vocabulary — recognize the most common words and phrases to help you move through the text more quickly