《纽约客》(The New Yorker),也译作《纽约人》,是一份美国知识、文艺类的综合杂志,内容覆盖新闻报道、文艺评论、散文、漫画、诗歌、小说,以及纽约文化生活动向等。 《纽约客》原为周刊,后改为每年42期周刊加5个双周刊。《纽约客》现由康得纳斯出版公司出版。
《纽约客》不是完全的新闻杂志,然而它对美国和国际政治、社会重大事件的深度报道是其特色之一。杂志保持多年的栏目“城中话题”(The Talk of the Town)专门发表描绘纽约日常生活事件的短文章,文笔简练幽默。每期杂志都会点缀有《纽约客》独特风格的单格漫画,让人忍俊不禁。尽管《纽约客》上不少 的内容是关于纽约当地文化生活的评论和报道,但由于其高质量的写作队伍和严谨的编辑作风,《纽约客》在纽约以外也拥有众多的读者。
We were saddened to learn of the passing today of J. D. Salinger, at the age of ninety-one. Salinger’s relationship with this magazine began in 1941, when he first started submitting short stories. The first to be published in our pages was “Slight Rebellion off Madison,” which he would later expand into “The Catcher in the Rye.” His final published work, a novella entitled “Hapworth 16, 1924,” appeared in the issue of June 19th, 1965.
We’ll be updating the site throughout the day with some selections from our archives, as well as commentary on Salinger’s life and work from The New Yorker’s staff. Be sure to check in.