As the video game strategy guide market has evolved, so has BradyGames. After 10 years in the business, BradyGames knows what gamers – both casual and hardcore – want and need in a strategy guide. It's about developing the most comprehensive guides for the games that pose numerous challenges.
Why buy a guide that's been developed from a template? Because of our passion and commitment to gaming, we avoid that cookie-cutter approach and instead publish guides that are custom-tailored to the look and feel of each game title.
Each guide – from the collectible Signature Series to the standard video and PC books – features in-depth content, detailed screen captures and quick reference and strategy tips. This, plus unique formats and products, allows us to help gamers get the most out of their games.
该作是以12世纪十字军东征为舞台,并收录了包含回教异端教派阿萨辛派大本营“马西亚夫”、叙利亚回教文化中心“大马士革”、圣地“耶路撒冷” 以及英国狮心王理查所统治的军事都市“阿克里城”等四个城镇要塞,为了重现12世纪时这四个都市当时风貌,游戏制作小组花了大量时间收集史料,以信望让游戏的场景更符合史实。